
Passbook Savings

The perfect starting point. Whether it’s for your child, grandchild or for yourself – start putting money away now – here’s a great place to begin! Add to it steadily by automatic funds transfer. And, when you’re ready, pick up your pace with any of our high yield Certificate’s of Deposit.


  • Low opening deposit of $100
  • Interest is calculated daily and paid quarterly
  • If the daily balance falls below $100 any day in the month there will be a $1.00 service charge
  • No service charge for minors or students (23 or younger) or senior citizens (62 or older)


Money Market Savings Account

A highly competitive option, enjoy the security of an insured investment, and you can maximize your cash position with potentially higher rates with our multiple interest tiers…the more you keep on deposit, the higher your interest rate. It’s a perfect way to keep your savings liquid, while keeping in step with an ever-changing economy.


  • Low opening deposit of $2,500
  • Interest is calculated daily and paid quarterly
  • No monthly fee or per check/debit charge if a minimum daily balance of $900 or an average balance of $1,500 is maintained
  • Low monthly fee of $4.00 plus $.20 per check/debit if balance falls below the minimum balance requirements


Health Savings Account (HSA)

An account in conjunction with a High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) used exclusively for the purpose of paying qualified medical expenses of eligible individuals.




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